Car Use in the Historic City Centre of Beijing: An Empirical Analysis and Integrated Planning Proposal

Wen Ping, Zhao Pengjun

Keywords: Historic City Centre; Car Use; Energy Saving and Emission Reduction; Traffic Congestion


Historic city centres play a crucial role in reducing car use,especially when many residents,jobs and economic activities remain concentrated there. Historic city centres also have a higher complexity than suburbs,with respect to the factors influencing car use and related policy responses. This study examines the factors influencing car use in the historic city centre of Beijing,and explores the effect of spatial planning on energy saving and emission reduction of transportation in historic city centres. The results suggest that planning could play a more efficient role in reducing car use by promoting public transport network and services,while increasing density in a dense historic city centre could have little influence. Based on the results,the paper proposes an integrated spatial planning framework for the reduction of car use in the historic city centre of Beijing. 


Brief Info of Author(s):

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