A Comparative Study on Historic Building Regeneration Between the UK and China: A Perspective of Energy Efficiency

Elizabeth Brooks, Andrew Law, Huang Lingjiang

Keywords: Old City Retrofitting; Historic Buildings; Energy Consumption; Heritage Conservation; International Comparative Analysis


In the UK,retrofitting,or ‘retrospective refitting’ has become a central strategy in reducing energy inefficiency and carbon emissions. However,whilst implementation has increased,research shows that there are still several problematic barriers to the full implementation and embedding of retrofitting policies. Likewise,international ecological commentators,developers and policy-makers have also pointed to the growth of retrofitting ideas and policies in modernising nations such as China; however,as investigations are beginning to show,the full implementation of retrofitting practices in modernising countries is also difficult,with local policy-makers and developers showing much more interest in new buildings,as opposed to retrofitting existing buildings and/ or heritage sites. Taking the UK and China as two key examples of earlier and more recent retrofitting cultures,this paper reflects on the different barriers to retrofitting historic buildings in these countries and explores the potential drivers for retrofitting in each of these contexts.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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