Research on Control of Urban Land Uses in the View of Nuisance: Take the USA for Example

Wang Hui

Keywords: Land Uses; Land Use Planning; Control; Nuisance; The United States


The usage is the element of land use, and control of land uses is the key content of land use planning. In the market economic system, land uses is influenced by different factors, which leads to uncertainty and flexibility, and this makes many problems occur during land use controls in China. Taking the United States for example, this paper tries to explore the core values of land use planning controls in the market economy throught looking back to the appearance and development of urban use planning,which could provide new ideas for land use planning controls in China. This paper will be concluded thatnuisance is the core of land uses control, and land use planning should build a flexible control system in the base of exclusion of nuisance.

Funds: 教育部2013 年博士点基金项目(20130002110082)、2013年国家自然科学基金项目(51278265)联合资助

Brief Info of Author(s):

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