Philosophy and Practice of Overseas Stormwater Management

Zhang Yupeng

Keywords: Best Management Practices; Low-impact Development; Water Sensitive Urban Design; Sustainable Urban Drainage System


?In recent years, the problem of urban waterlogging causes wide attention, and the importance of stormwater management has become more and more prominent. This paper studies the course of the development of foreign stormwater management, gets an overview of Best Management Practices (BMPs), Low-impact Development Concept (LID), Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) and other international city rainwater management strategies. At last, the paper compares the current drainage system in terms of ideology, emission system, measures, and sums up the application scope of the three concepts. The author hopes the planning could accordance with the actual conditions and develop appropriate stormwater management with Chinese characteristics.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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