The Urbanization, Urban Problems and Governance Experience of Latin America

Du Fengjiao, Ning Yuemin

Keywords: Latin America; Urbanization; Urban Problems; Governance Experience


The urbanization ratio of Latin America has reached 79.1% in 2011, after North America, 82.2%. This paper begins with an overview of urbanization process inLatin America and its characteristics, namely highly urban primacy ratio, uncoordinated urbanization and economic development, serious challenges faced by the urban governance. Then, the paper analyzes several most important problems in the process of urbanization in Latin America: the unemployment and informal employment, poverty, slums and housing problems. Finally, the paper introduces the experience of urban governance in Latin American from three aspects: first is to guide population rational distribution; second is to flexibly upgrade slums and to improve the housing security; third is to implement a series of policies to reduce poverty and solve the social problems fundamentally.


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