The Review of Urban Competitiveness Study in Domestic and Abroad

Luo Tao, Zhang Tianhai, Gan Yonghong, Qiu Quanyi, Zhang Ting

Keywords: Domestic and Abroad; Urban Competitiveness; Theoretical Research; Evaluation; Research Review


?Since the 1980s, increasing economic globalization has resulted in greater competition between cities, and urban competitiveness has been studied by economists, geographers, urban planners and other researchers. The theories and practices of urban competitiveness are of great strategic importance in China's sustainable healthy urbanization. This paper reviews and analyses studies by Chinese and foreign scholars on the theoretical basis of urban competitiveness concept, influencing factors and evaluation model, then gives a perspective view about the theoretical research and practice of the urban competitiveness theories. We propose a new direction for future urban competitiveness research, which integrates the verification and practice about the theories, especially the study of urban spatial distribution.

Funds: 国家自然科学基金项目(41371192)、福建省自然科学基金项目(2011J01280)、福建省科技计划软科学项目(2014R0099)联合资助

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