Thinking Before Developing: Strategic Thinking About China’s Urban Development and Governance Based on Wisdoms from “Art of War”

Xiao Jing, Cao Ke

Keywords: Urban Management; Strategic Perspective; Maneuvering Philosophy; Overall Development


Based on the military philosophy from “Art of War” and combined with western economic theories, the article makes a comprehensive analysis about the operational logic and the ethical orientation of the instrumental policies which have been taken during China’s urbanization process, and discusses the derivative phenomenon of “tax reform”, political performance competition, land finance, redundant construction, increasing administrative costs, resource inflation, entity economy stagflation, financial crisis and their inherent interrelationships. After that, based on the thoughts of current urbanization logics, the article puts up three rational governance strategies: the expansion of development value horizon, the adjustment of governance focus and the standardization of institutional structure.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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