The Cause and Response of Different Outcomes in Private Historical Building Conservation in Hong Kong: Based on Three Typical Cases

Zhang Jia, Hua Chen, Du Ruijie

Keywords: Private Historical Buildings in Hong Kong; Conservation; Uncertain Outcomes; Quasi-public Goods; Stakeholder; Response


According to “Revitalizing Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme”, tripartite collaboration conservation mode as known as “government, non-profit organization, the public” has been gradually set up to protect the government ownership of historical buildings in Hong Kong. But the conservation of private historical buildings is always a problem. Private owners’ uncertain wish and undisturbed final decision often lead to completely different conservation outcomes. The key point is the contradiction between the legal protection of private property right and the quasi-public goods attributes of private historical buildings. King Yin Lei, Ho Tung Gardens and Heritage Hotel in Lugard Road of the Peak Area are chosen as three typical case studies. Some reply strategies have been provided basing on process study, outcome evaluation and stakeholder analysis.


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