Taiwan’s Disaster Prevention System and Planning Enlightenment

Zhou Tiejun, Zhao Zaixu

Keywords: Taiwan; Natural Disaster; Prevention System; Planning; Enlightenment


Geographical environment conditions of China are complicated with frequent natural disasters and huge losses, which

reflect the imperfection of the disaster prevention system. In this paper, Taiwan’s disaster prevention experience would be a basis to study on its disaster prevention system and legislation, organization and planning, spacial planning and popularization and education, so as to summarize the characteristics of Taiwan’s disaster prevention system in theory and concept, organization and service, spacial planning, forecasting and early warning, and publicity and education, etc. At last, some enlightenments of Taiwan’s experience would be put forward to mainland China, including setting up disaster prevention system of “whole society”, standardizing disaster prevention planning, and strengthening the popularization and education of disaster prevention. Therefore, the goal of “active disaster prevention” will be gradually achieved.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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