DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.553
Methodology and Application of the Self-feedback Urban Design Based on Urban Sensors and Online Platform

Long Ying, Cao Zhejing

Keywords: Data Augmented Urban Design; Urban Sensor; Online Platform; Spatial Intervention; Hengfu Historical District in Shanghai


The burst of urban big data has deepened people’s perception of urban context. However, the construction of smart-city infrastructure and urban sensors implies the opportunity of delicate depiction of existing situation and post-positioned feedback of the implementation of planning and design. The online platform not only vividly displays various city information, but also creates the channel for feedback of new demands of urban life, and facilitates the interaction of the roles and stakeholders. This paper proposes the framework of self-feedback urban design based on urban sensors and online platform. Firstly, it introduces the workflow, data inventory, urban sensor category, online platform modules and application scenarios. Secondly, this methodology is applied to urban design of Hengfu Historical District in Shanghai, with a comprehensive online platform combining the modules of slow-traffic data collection and analysis platform, human observational data platform, human activity track platform, design and project display platform, public participation platform, spatial interaction carpet platform. At last, the opportunities and challenges of this self-feedback urban design methodology are further discussed.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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