DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.542
A Mountainous Urban Design Practice Based on Multidisciplinary Digital Technologies: Study on the Case of Chongqing Frontier Science City

Xu Gang, Mao Yu

Keywords: Digital Technology; Mountainous Urban Design; Chongqing


As a technical practice guiding urban space (re)creation, urban design is characterized by systematicness, openness and richness. Modern urban design is facing growingly complex challenges, far beyond the scope of traditional space aesthetics, and needs to integrate many related disciplines and engineering technologies, especially digital technologies, which make the urban design work more comprehensive and scientific. The paper studies on the urban design of Chongqing Frontier Science City. Instead of using conventional way of strong terrain transformation, the plan explores various means of low impact development (LID) to meet reasonable construction density and development goals. The paper also studies on modern quantifiable technical tools to reduce the cost and meet diversified demands in industry, livability, vitality, efficiency, ecology, energy conservation and intellectualization. Consequently, urban design provided strong technical support to influence, fulfill and even modify statutory planning; meanwhile, it is equipped with important technical basis to guide subsequent engineering practice effectively. The quantifiable technical tools used in the case involve landscape space, ecological protection, safety guarantee, sponge city, municipal energy and wind environment simulation, etc.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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