DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.607
Study on the Construction Modes of China’s Overseas Cooperation Industrial Parks Along the Belt and Road

Shen Zhengping, Jian Xiaobin, Zhao Jie

Keywords: The Belt and Road; Overseas Cooperation Industrial Parks; Construction Modes


Accelerating the construction of China’s overseas cooperation industrial parks along

the Belt and Road provides a win-win platform for promoting the Belt and Road construction

and international economic and trade cooperation, as well as the economic integration along

the Belt and Road. Based on the organic combination of the theory of industrial parks and the

practice of “going-out” strategy, the paper explains the concept and connotation of overseas

cooperation industrial parks under the background of the Belt and Road. Furthermore,

the construction status of overseas cooperation industrial parks along the Belt and Road is

summarized from the perspectives of types and spatial distributions of the Parks. By conducting

four case studies, including agricultural industrial park, processing industrial park, service

industrial park, and comprehensive industrial park, the paper discusses background significance,

overall objective, industry orientation, dominant enterprise, operation mode, and comprehensive

effect of the construction of overseas cooperation industrial parks. By comparing and analyzing

the differences between overseas cooperation industrial parks and representative Sino-foreign

cooperation industrial parks in China, as well as the obstacles in constructing overseas

cooperation industrial parks, the paper proposes the following suggestions: strengthening

bilateral government communication, improving the cooperation mechanism, formulating the

industry planning, speeding up the facilities construction, fostering and bringing in talents


Brief Info of Author(s):

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