DOI: 10.22217/upi.2018.146
An Overview on Japan’s National Land Use Planning

Tan Zongbo, Gao Haoge

Keywords: Japan; National Land Planning; National Land Use Planning; Land Use Master Plan; Spatial Planning System


Under the circumstance of establishing China’s “spatial planning system”, Japan’s national land planning system has been mentioned frequently as a reference to cases in papers. Although there are a large number of papers introducing or referring to Japan’s national land planning system, there are major differences or even misunderstandings from the translation of related terms to the understanding and interpretation of the contents and characters of the planning. In order to understand accurately the real situation of Japan’s national land planning system and provide a research foundation for China’s spatial planning system, this paper focuses on the “National Land Use Planning” in Japan. Through interpreting related laws, regulations, and original planning texts, this paper studies on the background, legal basis, purpose and content of the planning, as well as the implementation status of the plan, to explore the characteristics and nature of the planning and provide reference for establishing China’s spatial planning system.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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