DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.407
Study on the Influence of Multi Railway Stations on Urban Spatial Structure

Li Chuancheng, Meng Leilei, Zhang Ting

Keywords: Multiple Railway Stations; Urban Spatial Structure; Polycentric Structure; Ideal Model


How to match the development of the site and the urban space is the structural problem of the current urban development. By comparing multi railway station pattern, city traffic and land use pattern, the influence of multi railway station on urban spatial structure of typical cities at home and abroad, this paper points out that we should strengthen the urban master plan and railway planning, give full play to the advantages of railway station. Besides, multi center pattern should be based on the multi railway station, so as to realize the city spatial development strategy of break up the whole into parts. Finally, this paper constructs the ideal model of multi railway station and urban spatial structure, and puts forward some suggestions on the optimization of multi site structure, urban traffic optimization and multi center structure.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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