DOI: 10.22217/upi.2016.428
Analysis of Affordable Housing Policy in Global Cities and the Inspiration to Shanghai

Jia Yiru, Zhang Ze, Miao Siyu, Xiao Yang

Keywords: Global City; Affordable Housing Policy; Comparative Study; Shanghai; London; New York; Singapore


In the current stage of globalization, city competition could be regarded as the competition of talents, as globalization has been powered by knowledge and talent flows. Meanwhile, sociospatial polarization has been even more obvious in global cities. Most global cities are confronted with similar housing crisis: the flood of immigrants has led to the sharp increase of housing demand, along with housing price and rent; on the other hand, housing becomes unaffordable for more people in the context of income polarization. Thus, affordable housing policies have resurged in many global cities in order to boost city competition and maintain social stability, which can be referenced by Shanghai. In the lens of the global city theory, the paper reviews the affordable housing policies in London, New York and Singapore in recent decades. The comparative study of policy contents and outcomes leads to the discussion on the policy convergence and contextual distinctiveness. In the end, this paper analyses the problems and institutional contexts of the affordable housing policies in Shanghai to makes targeted suggestion for further housing policy.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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