DOI: 10.22217/upi.2019.150
High Quality Ecological Practice: Analysis of Core Characteristics and Discussion on Implementation Path

Shen Qingji, Ci Hai, Meng Haixing

Keywords: Ecological Practice; Ecological Practice Characteristics; Ecological Practice Quality; High Quality Ecological Practice; Analysis of Ecological Practice; Logical Path; Research Path; Method Path


Both the “quality” and the “ecological practice” are one of the hot spots of the academic research of the present day, but there are lack of systematic research on “higher quality practice”. Based on the literature review and theoretical analysis of the concept of “ecological practice”, the paper puts forward the definition of “ecological practice” and “ecological practice quality”. On the basis of combing and analyzing nearly 50 excellent ecological practice cases at home and abroad, the paper identifies 10 core characteristics of higher quality of ecological practices, and preliminarily discusses the steps to achieve higher quality of ecological practice from the perspectives of logical path, research path and method path.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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