DOI: 10.22217/upi.2019.143
Dance of Nature and Man’s Synergistic Symbiosis: Ecosystem Design and Ecological Practice of Littoral Zone of Hanfeng Lake in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

Yuan Xingzhong, Du Chunlan, Yuan Jia, Wang Xiaofeng, Xiong Sen, Huang Yazhou, Liu Yangjin, Gao Lei

Keywords: Littoral Zone; Ecosystem Design; Ecological Practice; Synergistic Symbiosis; Hanfeng Lake; The Three Gorges Reservoir Area


The seasonal fluctuation of the water level in the Three Gorges reservoir (TGR) has brought great environmental stresses to the littoral zone, including adverse effects on the natural environment of the reservoir and the life quality of migrants in the reservoir area. Taking Hanfeng Lake in Kaizhou District of Chongqing in TGR as an example, based on the principles of co-evolution, symbiosis and water sensitive design, and aiming at the characteristics of water level variation of Hanfeng Lake, the research took the fluctuation zone of Hanfeng Lake as a whole ecosystem, and carried out ecological restoration design of the fluctuation zone and ecological engineering practice. The observation and study lasting nine years show that the ecosystem design and construction in the littoral zone of Hanfeng Lake, carried out by human and nature cooperation, has played a variety of ecological service functions, such as surface runoff water purification, biodiversity conservation, lakeside stabilization, landscape beautification and so on. The beautiful littoral zone and lakeside landscape at different water levels provide a good place for leisure, sightseeing and recreation for the residents of Kaizhou city. The quality of human settlements in this immigrant city has been continuously optimized and improved. As a result of fully absorbing the good will of the aborigines to the littoral zone and waterfront space, the ecological practice of ecological restoration and landscape optimization of littoral zone and waterfront zone have been integrated into the social system of Kaizhou city, becoming an important part of the harmony of social system, thus realizing the goal of the co-existence dance of human and nature.


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