DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.672
The Elders’ Preferences for Open Spaces in Multi-level, Hyper Dense Sub-tropical City

Zhang Lingzhu, Alain Chiaradia, Cui Minyu, Zeng Wenxin

Keywords: Elderly; Open Space; Small Public Space; Hyper Dense; Hong Kong


The opinion survey in Hong Kong shows that small playgrounds and sitting out area visitation frequency increase by age groups from the 16-29 to 60-70+. Size, quantity, accessibility, quality, and facilities of small public spaces will have a certain impact on elderly preferences. Therefore, this paper compares spatial distribution accessibility and potential flow, size, quality and use of small open space in Wan Chai and Sha Tin (n=50). Using mixed methods including network science, unsupervised machine classification, 3D full indoor + outdoor pedestrian network map, surveys and pedestrian route choice simulations, it is revealed that both size and accessibility have a strong impact on small open spaces’ design quality and elderly visitation. This study aims to explore elderly open spaces preferences in high-density cities from the case study of Hong Kong, providing inspirations for the future age-friendly urban open space system planning in Mainland China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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