DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.401
The Unfulfilled Commitments: Discussion on the Difficulties of the Development of American New Urbanism Theory

Wu Xiaofan

Keywords: New Urbanismi ;Suburban Sprawl; Community Planning; Traditional Neighborhood Development; Public Transportation


The New Urbanism Movement in the United States, which emerged in the 1980s, created an idea to build reasonable prices, mixed-use and walk-friendly communities in order to counter the low-density and unordered urban sprawl. This paper focuses on the impacts and social evaluation of this movement. It points out that the starting point of this movement is experimental, and some of the ideas it flaunts have not been fully realized. However, this movement has caused all sectors of society to rethink their lifestyle and join the discussion of the new community development standard, which makes the new urbanist community a testing ground for new ideas and designs. The development of New Urbanism is the representative of contemporary American community planning, and it also provides valuable experience for the future transformation of community planning.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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