DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.062
The Evolution Characteristics and Social-Spatial Effects of Gated Condominium Estates in Singapore: Implications to Residential District Planning in China

Zhang Xiangzhi, Cui Dong

Keywords: Singapore; Gated Communities; Condominium; Evolution Characteristics; Social-Spatial Effects; Residential District


As the residential mode of gated communities has been negated from the policy and theoretical levels, China’s residential model is at a critical node from the closed to the open. Gated condominium estates in Singapore have obvious local characteristics, and its advantages and disadvantages can be used for reference. This paper introduces the concept of gated condominium estates in Singapore and its three main types: private condominiums, executive condominiums and HUDC estates. It is divided into three stages: preliminary development stage, undulatory development stage and pluralistic development stage, which combs its evolution process, and then explores its characteristics from the perspective of spatial distribution, construction methods and driving forces. Finally, it analyzes the contradictory characteristics and positive effects of the gated condominium estates in Singapore in terms of its social-space impact, and some suggestions on residential district planning in China are put forward. It is believed that the connotation of open blocks should be further clarified, the “quasi-block” renewal of existing residential areas should be gradually implemented, the guiding role of policies should be brought into full play, and the supporting policies should be improved and revised as soon as possible.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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