DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.102
Human Support Towards Rural Regeneration in Japan and Its Implications for Rural Revitalization of China

Liu Yungang, Chen Lin, Song Hongyang

Keywords: Rural Regeneration; Human Support; Return to Countryside; Local Self-government; Japan


The policy of human support for the rural community is playing an increasing role in the process of rural regeneration in Japan. This paper aims to clarify why Japan starts to introduce this policy, and what main achievements and existing issues are by analyzing the two types of supporters in the rural community. Then key experience has been extracted through the discussion of what the essence for rural revitalization is, what effective ways to support human resource return to the rural areas are, and how to promote local self-government in rural communities of China. It finds that the policy of rural supporters is introduced under the shift of government subsidy from “material” to “human”, and in the progress of deepening Japanese rural-urban conversation. The implementation of rural-regeneration supporters brings new employment opportunities and human resources to the rural community, which plays a crucial role in revitalizing rural Japan. More importantly, it helps to create a good circulation between employment opportunities and human resources returning to Japanese rural areas. Although there remain some issues for the policy of rural supporters to be solved, it is apparent that the implementation of human supporters is valuable experience for China to learn to regenerate its rural areas. It would contribute to the accumulation of human resources within rural areas, strengthen rural self-government capability locally, and finally promote the coexistence relationship between rural and urban areas.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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