2016年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.325
Experience and Implications of Livable City Construction Practice in Portland, Oregon, the USA

魏德辉 谌丽 杨翌朝

Wei Dehui, Chen Li, Yang Yizhao


Keywords:Livable City; Smart Growth; Urban Growth Boundaries; Portland; Experience and Implications




This paper describes planning/development experiences for achieving a livable city from the Portland Metropolitan Region, the so-called capital city of “Smart Growth” in the U.S., with a goal to provide policy recommendations for Chinese cities. Since the late 1970s the Portland region has established strict Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) to curb urban sprawl while making great efforts to increase development densities inside the UGBs; in the meantime, it has also adopted a series of measures to mitigate the negative externalities of high densities by increasing green space and public space, promoting transit and non-motorized transportation system, as well as improving services accessibility. The effectiveness and success of these systematic and comprehensive planning measures have been ensured with Oregon’s centralized planning system, Portland Metro government’s regional planning authority, a very strong tradition of public participation in the state, as well as the use of sophisticated planning support systems and evidencebased decision-making processes. The paper concludes with suggestions on how Chinese cities can learn from Portland to build more livable cities.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目“我国快速城市化地区人居环境演变规律与调控 机制研究”(41230632),国家自然科学基金青年项目“社会公平视角下北京 城市服务设施的空间优化与模拟研究”(41601160),北京市自然科学基金青 年项目“北京城市空间形态演变对居民通勤行为的影响研究”(9164027)





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