2017年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.551
International Research and China’s Exploration of Urban Shrinking

张京祥 冯灿芳 陈浩

Zhang Jingxiang, Feng Canfang, Chen Hao


Keywords:Growth Supremacism; Urban Shrinkage; Urban Decline; International Research; Local Exploration




With the tremendous changes in the domestic and international environment, China’s long-running model of Growth Supremacism is coming to an end. The following urban shrinkage has occurred and drawn close attention from the academia and government. In order to illustrate the similarities and differences of urban shrinkage between Chinese and western context, this paper not only analyzes the connotation, cause, mechanism and effect of urban shrinkage, but also illustrates the relationship between urban shrinkage and urban decline in a historical perspective. Then, based on the unique situation of China’s national conditions and development environment, the paper divides China’s urban shrinkage into three main types: trend-type, overdraft-type, adjustment-type, and discusses the phenomenon, mechanism and influence of them. Finally, the paper generalizes the logic of urban shrinkage in China and consequently puts forward some key strategies to cope with it.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51578276, 51608251)





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