2017年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.310
A Review of Green Space Standard and Its Preparation in the UK

邓位 李翔

Deng Wei, Li Xiang


Keywords:Urban Green Space in the UK; Green Space Standard; Setting Steps; Green Infrastructure; Green Space of Sheffield




The paper reviews the brief history of green space standard system in the UK, including its emerging, development, typology and core issues. As required by relevant national guidance, the local councils have responsibility to produce local green space standards and strategies, in five strict allocated steps: understanding requirements of local residents, assessing current situation, setting local green space standards, applying standards, producing green space standards planning documents. The ‘Greenest’ city in Europe, Sheffield, is used as a case study, through which the process of producing local green space standards is discussed. The paper concludes that current green space standard system in the UK is mature, which is strict, in terms of national preparation requirements, and flexible to be applied locally. This system has improved the green spaces in cities since it had been introduced, which are valuable referential experience.


邓位,博士,AECOM 英国北方设计与规划总部曼彻斯特办公室,设计总监。weideng.landscape@gmail.com


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