2017年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.395
Learning from the “Gown and Town” University Town Planning: Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium

刘铮 王世福 莫浙娟

Liu Zheng, Wang Shifu, Mo Zhejuan


Keywords:Louvain-La-Neuve; New Town; University Town; Gown and Town; Mixed and Open


校城一体,既直观地反映在传统大学城的空间形态和功能布局中,更涉及高等教育的制度理念。具有丰富历史底蕴与文化氛围的欧洲传统大学城,其大学与城镇的一体化模式是我国新城式大学城规划的“理想”范型。20 世纪70 年代,比利时新鲁汶大学城以现代城市规划方法,在特殊的政治与时代因素推动下,成功地建设了“全新”的怀旧式校园。新鲁汶大学城步行环境和空间活力均达到了相当于传统大学城的效果和品质,并赋予这座新城式大学城相当成功的社会多样性和校城一体性。本文对新鲁汶大学城所采用的紧凑用地、混合开放与可步行性等规划理念与设计手法进行分析,并结合新鲁汶的发展探讨社会与经济多样性对新城式大学城的重要性。与新鲁汶相比,中国新城式大学城在制度建设、公共认知与规划设计方面存在的差异,不仅是导致功能布局失调、空间尺度过大与城市社会属性缺失等问题的基本原因,还是城市大学化与大学社区化道路上的主要障碍。


Gown and Town, is reflected in the special spatial morphology, the functional arrangement, and the institution of the academic education. The historical university town in Europe is the ideal reference for Chinese new university town planning, because of the integration and interaction between university and city. In the 1960s, the Université Catholique de Louvain, a modern Belgian university, was planned to recreate a historical “Gown and Town” university. Louvain-La-Neuve has many features that are similar to traditional university town, in which the compact land use, the mixed and open functions and the pedestrian connectivity are rarely found in other modern universities. This paper demonstrates the planning concepts and methods of Louvain-La-Neuve. It also shows the importance of social and economic diversity in the development of university towns. As a valuable reference, Louvain-La-Neuve reveals the disparity in institution, conception and planning for the development of Chinese university towns, which are not only the causes of current problems, but also the barriers in achieving “Gown and Town” in Chinese context.


刘铮,华南理工大学建筑学院城市规划系与鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)建筑系联合培养博士研究生。zheng.liu@urbanstudy.net


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