2018年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.219
土地财政驱动城市空间生产的机制与效应研究 —— 以南京河西新城为例
Study on the Mechanism and Effect of Urban Space Production Driven by Land Finance: A Case Study on Hexi New Town in Nanjing

杨浩 张京祥

Yang Hao, Zhang Jingxiang


Keywords:Land Finance; Urban Space Production; Capital Circulation; Hexi New Town in Nanjing; Land Management




This paper takes the “capital urbanization” in the production of space as the theoretical foundation. Land finance which supported the capital urbanization, can be subdivided into three circular relationships which are nested and boosting with each other: (1) transferring industrial land at a low price in order to attracting investment, pursuing long-term benefits; (2) paid transferring commercial services and residential land or land mortgage loan, achieving rapid primitive accumulation of capital; (3) putting into public land for building infrastructure and providing public services, to boost land increment and optimize the urban function. To confirm the theoretical framework in macro-level, this paper selects Hexi new town in Nanjing as the case, through quantitative analysis and detailed process description, three cyclic paths of space capital give full play in the land revenue and expenditure of Hexi new town: achieving the initial capital accumulation by real estate finance, then seeking long-term industry tax revenue, as well as the supply of public goods which match with the various development stages. However, the unbalanced distribution of land finance capital hides some crises including curing social differentiation and over-accumulated capital, we need to shift the direction under the demands of new urbanization, thus proposes transformation strategies for control of capital and regulation of space.





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