2018年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.194
Research on Urban Sustainable Community Based on Circular Metabolism of Nutrients

刘长安 赵继龙 高晓明

Liu Chang’an, Zhao Jilong, Gao Xiaoming

关键词:养分循环;城市代谢;城市农业;有农社区;可持续社区; 代谢断层

Keywords:Nutrient Recycling; Urban Metabolism; Urban Agriculture; Agro-integrated Community; Sustainable Community; Metabolic Rift




Currently, the global nutrient crisis has developed to a rather critical situation that cannot be ignored. Hence, constructing a kind of new urbannutrient-metabolism system and reclosing the nutrient-cycling have become an indispensable strategy. Based on the theory of Metabolic Rift, this paper analyzes the serious consequences of metabolism imbalance and treats the metabolic waste as nutrient resources that can be recycled. Associating various factors, such as the waste, fertilizer, agriculture, food and people, the process of nutrient recycling will be promoted and the Metabolic Rift can be eliminated. Taking the Haozhaokui Community as an example, this paper analyzes the mechanism of achieving nutrient recycling and introduces the design ideas of relating sustainable community, so as to provide Chinese sustainable community development with new approaches and new methodologies.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51778349、51378301、51608307),山东省社会科 学规划研究项目(15CCXJ08)资助





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