2018年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.034
The Impacts of High Speed Rail on Regional and Spatial Economy Abroad and the Enlightenment to China

刘莉文 张明

Liu Liwen, Zhang Ming


Keywords:High-speed Rail; Spatial Economy; Impact; Review




Traditionally, improvements in transport infrastructure have been known to bring about economic growth in a region. It is widely understood that High-Speed Rail (HSR) shrinks the national time-space geography and elevates the development of regional economy. At present, HSR systems are quickly developing throughout China, but the research of impacts on the spatial economic are very little. Through international authoritative journal literature abroad, finding the influences of high-speed railway on reducing the travel time and increasing rail passenger ridership, the modal shares of railways in the transport market, competitive relationship with air and the improvement of accessibility. “Polarization effect” and “Diffusion effect” can cause the economic problems of the unbalance in regions. To discuss the theoretical framework that is fit for high-speed rail on the regional economic development with Chinese characteristics, to broad the research field and methods, and strengthen the empirical analysis, this paper could help taking advantage of the high-speed rail as a double-edged sword, to build the intermodal transport interchange system. Avoiding “polarization effect” that can cause to excessive centralization economic, which has very significant to realize regional economic coordinated development in China.





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