2018年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi. 2017.081
International Studies on the Interaction Between Urban Rail Transit and Land Use of Station Areas


Wang Yajie


Keywords:Urban Rail Transit; Station Area; Land Use; Interaction


随着中国城市轨道交通的快速建设,城市轨道交通与周边土地利用不协同问题凸显,亟待加强两者互动关系的研究。本文总结了国外城市轨道交通与站域土地利用互动研究进展,以期为国内提供借鉴。国外大多数研究表明,城市轨道交通对站域土地价值的提升显著,提升程度受站点服务情况、地产类型和站域居民收入等社会经济因素影响;城市轨道交通能够提升站域土地利用强度、聚集商业办公功能、疏解中心城居住人口,但是,只有在相关政策条件的配合下,土地利用的变化才会发生;密度、可达性要素对客流大小影响较大,尤其是就业密度和公交接驳对客流影响大;混合度要素对客流影响较小,但能平衡客流的时空分布;在两者的协同方面,国外学者在TOD 理论、节点—场所模型、轨道交通—土地利用一体化模型、协同评价等方面做出探索。国外在定量实证研究、互动模型研究、相关规划思想和理论研究方面积累了丰富的经验和成果,我国今后应加强基于已建城轨的定量实证研究、基于个人交通行为和客流时变特征的微观研究、基于亚洲高密度城市的协同规划和协同评价研究。


The discordance between urban rail transit and land use is highlighted with the rapid construction of rail transit in China. The related research is well needed. This article gives an overview on the international studies about the interaction between urban rail transit and land use of station areas. We found that urban rail transit could promote the land value which is influenced by the quality of station service, property types and income levels. Urban rail transit can shape land use by promoting land use intensity, gathering business and office facilities and relieving residents of city center when combined with appropriate policies and some public assistance. Density and accessibility, especially employment density and intermodalism are key factors to improve ridership. The diversity of land use has little influence on ridership but it can balance the distribution of transit ridership. In addition, foreign scholars put forward the TOD theory, the node place model and some other research about synergetic planning and evaluation. They accumulated rich experience and achievements in related field. In the future, we should strengthen the quantitative empirical research, the microscopic research of individual traffic behavior and diurnal pattern of transit ridership, and the localization research on high-density cities in Asia.





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