2018年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.601
Study on Interactive Features and Inherent Mechanisms Between Globalization and Development of China’s Development Zone

王兴平 崔功豪 高舒欣

Wang Xingping, Cui Gonghao, Gao Shuxin


Keywords:Development Zone; Globalization; Economic Development; Urban and Rural Planning




This paper makes effort to shed light on the relevance between globalization and development zone, so as to figure out the driving force of globalization on development zone, and indicate the innovation of the system of development zone planning. Therefore, it discusses prospects of the role which development zone will play in the global industrial system with the new round of globalization. Study shows that the relationship between development of Chinese Development Zone and globalization has been so close that the export-oriented economic indicators, indicating the level of globalization, having high-positive correlation with overall development of development zone. Consequently, three aspects of interactive mechanisms and influence between the development of development zone and globalization have been argued. Furthermore, compared with general urban planning, development zone planning has been innovated in many aspects in order to meet the demands of globalization and export-oriented economic development. Facing with the new round of globalization and Belt and Road Initiative, the model of Chinese Development Zone and the technology system of development zone planning, which are considered as new platforms by taking advantage of output and inherent conditions, are the impetus driving the development of a new round of global industrialization.

基金项目:国家重点研发计划战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项“境外产业园区规划技术合作研 究与示范应用”(2016YFE0201000)资助成果





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