2018年第4期   DOI:
21 世纪初“星球城市化”研究进展述评
A Review of Planetary Urbanization Studies in the Earlier 21st Century

邱婴芝 李志刚

Qiu Yingzhi, Li Zhigang




化趋势,长期存在的各种地理和空间分割( 如城乡二元、南北半
球分化、社会自然分割) 均面临解体和重构。在此背景下,近期
析相关理论的新动向,通过梳理 “星球城市化”研究的最新进展,


The beginning of the 21st century has witnessed dramatic reconstruction of space, and the most significant one is the rapid expansion of urban agglomeration areas. The urban has taken the planetary form in social, economic, political and urban environmental
aspects, broken the long-standing geographic segmentation or division (city and rural, global south and global north, social and natural). However, traditional urban theories have limited explanatory power for emerging urban landscape. Recent urban studies pay high attentions to “planetary urbanization” to re-conceptualize urban theories per se. In this vein, this paper reviews recent progress in the study of planetary urbanization in earlier 21st century, including the new situation of planetary urbanization, new theories under planetary urbanization and theses on the reconceptualization of urban theories. Against the context of theorizing and practicing new urbanization construction in China, this paper also contributes to the literature of the development of urban theory in China.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(41422103, 41501151, 41501170)



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