2018年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.136
The Urban Community Governance Modes in the USA, the UK, and Japan: A Comparative Perspective

边防 吕斌

Bian Fang, Lyu Bin


Keywords:Community Governance; Community Development; Comparative Analysis; Public Participation; Non-Governmental Organization




Community is a critical spatial unit of the urban nexus, and has always been the key issue within urban policy-making process. This paper aims to investigate the developmental trajectories of community governance in the United State, the United Kingdom, and Japan so to shed lights on the community building in contemporary urban China. By examining the similarities and differences of the contexts, objectives, the key players as well as the organizational arrangements of the different modes in the three countries, the particularities of each community governance modes could be further identified. More specifically, the rising of the third-party has been the great engine behind the community governance development in the US; community governance in the UK is rather policy-driven; whereas the community governance in Japan substantially relies on its mature community autonomy. Additionally, numerous similarities also manifest, such as the relatively detached government-community relationships, the intensive interactions between the public and private sectors, enhancements of citizen’s involvement as well as the consecutive financial and policy inputs. Considering the phase of China’s urban community development, this paper argues that the adoption of foreign modes need adaptations. The relationships between government and community, the degree of engagement of the third party, as well as the self-governance capacity shall be tackled comprehensively. Furthermore, local communities should develop suitable governance modes based on their objective demands simultaneously.




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