2018年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.124
On the Vertical Distribution and Dispute Resolution of Spatial Planning Power in the Netherlands


Zhao Li


Keywords:Unitary System; Decentralization; Structure Planning; Land Use Planning




Under the unitary system of decentralization in the Netherlands, the power of spatial planning is divided into three levels: central government, provincial governments and municipal governments, with the principle of autonomy and the principle of responsibility. The central government and provincial governments have the power to formulate structure planning and impose land-use planning, and municipal governments have the power to formulate structure planning and land use planning. To guarantee the implementation and maintenance of central planning target and local selfgovernment powers, the Netherlands set up a consultation mechanism, imposed land-use planning, planning instruction and planning directive litigation system. The experience of the Netherlands is of reference to the reform of our master planning and the establishment of a sound operation mechanism in the planning system.




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