2018年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.264
撒哈拉以南非洲的城镇化陷阱、破局之路: 论中国投资对非洲城镇化的影响
Urban Trap and Breakthrough of Sub-Saharan Africa: Discussing the Influence of China Investment in Africa on Urbanization

周君 周静

Zhou Jun, Zhou Jing

关键词:撒哈拉以南非洲;城镇化;工业化;中国对非投资; K·K 新城;苏伊士经贸合作区

Keywords:Sub-Saharan Africa; Urbanization; Industrialization; China Investment in Africa; K.K New City; Suez Economic Zone


本文首先从理论层面剖析了撒哈拉以南非洲国家独特的城镇化路径。之后分析了撒哈拉以南非洲国家典型的城镇化发展模式所隐含的陷阱,尤其是制约当地工业化发展的多种原因。文章第三部分从城镇化和工业化在空间和经济层面的关联入手,试图寻找破解资源型非洲国家城镇化困境的办法,并以中信建设集团在安哥拉首都建造的K·K 新城以及泰达集团在埃及建设管理的苏伊士经贸合作区为例,详细阐述了中国政府和企业对非投资如何以产业化带动城镇化发展,输出“产城融合”以及高品质新城新区的营建模式。


This paper first analyzes the path of urbanization that most Sub-Saharan African countries have been through.

The second part analyzes the pitfalls of the consumptionbased urbanization model, especially its negative effects on the development of local industrial sectors. The third part tries to find solutions to the urbanization of Sub-African countries by analyzing the relationship between urbanization and industrialization in

terms of space and economy. Using two cases as examples, K·K New City in the capital of Angola by CITIC Construction, and Suez Economic Zone by TEDA Construction Corporation, the paper demonstrates how Chinese investments in African countries help to improve local urban quality by developing local manufacturing sectors, exporting Chinese “Town-and-Industry Integration”model.





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