2018年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.399
Application of Tiering Assessment in German Spatial Planning and Its Enlightenment on Chinese SEA System

李志林 包存宽 沈百鑫

Li Zhilin, Bao Cunkuan, Shen Baixin


Keywords:Germany; Spatial Planning; Strategic Environmental Assessment; Tiering Assessment




As a major driving force for the development of strategic environmental assessment, tiering has been regarded as one of factors which can influence the implementation of strategic environmental assessment. Through the analysis of spatial planning system and the current related environmental assessment tools in Germany, this article identifies some findings with regards to the implementation of tieing as follows: relying on legal requirements to strengthen the tiering implementation; safeguarding the implementation of tiering with the help of authority involvement and cooperation; ensuring early implementation in key steps; and promoting two ways tiering by following multi-faceted communications. Some suggestions for Chinese SEA are listed as follows: clearly defining the concept and role of tiering; inventorying current environmental-related assessment tools and broadening the scope of tiering application; providing related systems and measures to guarantee the implementation of tieing; last but not least, promoting and encouraging pilot studies to gain experience.






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