2018年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.434
Five Distinctive Features of American City-County Consolidation and Lessons for China’s Administrative Division Adjustment in Metropolitan Areas


Hou Aimin


Keywords:City-County Consolidation; The US; Characteristics; Administrative Division Adjustment; Lessons




City-County consolidation (CCC) is a common practice in the US metropolitan areas, which has been used to deal with the consequences of government fragmentation ever since 1815. Due to the frequent attempts of CCC in the US, rich theoretical and empirical literature has been developed, on CCC’s procedures, objectives, mechanisms and effects. This paper summarizes the five major characteristics of CCC in the US, including more attempts but low success rate, diversified consolidation ranges and modes, multiple goals that change with time, few goals achieved, public participation playing decisive roles etc. Four inspirations are discussed for administrative division adjustment in China’s fast growing urban areas.




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