2018年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.476
Study on the Impact of ICT on Urban Residents’ Life-space and Spatial Planning Strategy

姜玉培 甄峰

Jiang Yupei, Zhen Feng


Keywords:Information and Communication Technology; Virtual Life-space and Physical Life-space; Spatial Planning Strategy


在信息通信技术逐渐渗透到城市生活领域的背景下,本文从作用过程与结果方面厘清信息通信技术对城市生活空间的影响,并提出相应空间规划策略。研究认为:在ICT 作用下,城市居民虚拟生活空间进一步延伸到实体生活空间,并通过数字媒介传递进行交互与融合,促使城市生活空间日趋呈现出多样化、复合化、破碎化、移动化、体验化等特征。尤其随着物联网技术的广泛应用,城市生活空间呈现出新的空间组织结构,以及新的人地交互模式。此外,不同信息资源条件下不同生活空间居民对信息通信技术的影响表现出差异化的响应和表达方式。因此,结合信息化影响下城市生活空间出现的新的社会、空间问题,指出城市生活空间的优化应在“人本”规划的基础上,依托信息通信技术构建功能多样复合、集约高效利用、富有内涵特色、信息化程度高、注重空间正义、虚实相融的生活空间。


In the context of the gradual penetration of ICT into urban life, clarify the influence of ICT on urban life-space from the process and results, and then put forward corresponding spatial planning strategies. The study suggests that under the action of ICT, the virtual life-space of urban residents has extended to the physical life-space, and prompted the urban life-space increasingly diversified, multiple, fragmentized, mobile, experiential through the interaction and integration of digital media transmission. Especially with the wide application of IoT technology, a new spatial organization structure, and a new interactive mode between human and environment in the urban lifespace has appeared. In addition, different response and expression of urban residents with different information resources has been shown based on the impact of ICT. Therefore, owing to new social and spatial problems appearing in the urban life-space under the influence of ICT, we believe that the optimization of urban life-space should be based on the “people-oriented” planning, and a new urban life-space characterized by diversified and multiple functions, rich connotation, high informationization level, space justice, mutual fusion of the virtual and physical can be constructed depending on ICT.




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