2019年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.513
三维空间网络分析在高密度城市中心区步行系统中的应用 —— 以香港中环地区为例
Three-dimensional Spatial Network Analysis and Its Application in a High Density City Area, Central Hong Kong

张灵珠 晴安蓝

Zhang Lingzhu, Alain Chiaradia

关键词:三维建成环境;空间设计网络分析; 人本尺度;高密度;步行网络;城市设计; 香港

Keywords:Three-dimensional Built Environment; Spatial Design Network Analysis (sDNA); Human-centred; High Density; Pedestrian Network; Urban Design; Hong Kong


本文结合地理信息系统与空间设计网络分析软件, 以香港中环地区的多层面步行体系为例,分析三维建成环境的空间网络,测度高密度多层面建成环境空间和人的活动分布之间的关系。对室外步行网络模型与室内+ 室外步行网络模型的比较表明,完整的室内外三维模型不仅有助于提升空间网络分析的可视化,其分析得到的穿行度指标与城市空间活力之间的关系也更加精确,有助于城市设计师解码人本尺度的空间认知与行为。


This paper proposes a new GIS based spatial design network analysis (sDNA+) that can be used in three-dimensional built environment. Spatial configuration and its relation to pedestrian movement are quantitatively analysed in the case of Hong Kong Central area. The comparison between outdoor only and indoor + outdoor 3D pedestrian networks shows that it is unrealistic to study the multilevel pedestrian network in high density built environments by only considering the outdoor pedestrian network. Indoor + outdoor 3D pedestrian network helps designers and researchers to decode human-centred spatial configuration and pedestrian activity patterns.





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