2019年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2019.073
非正规经济下的城市空间发展 :全球趋势与地方规划应对
Urban Spatial Development in the Context of the Informal Economy: Global Trend and Local Planning Response

徐苗 陈宇琳 玛莎·陈

Xu Miao, Chen Yulin, Martha Chen


Keywords:Informal Economy and Employment; Urban Spatial Development; Global Trend; Local Response; Urban Planning and Governance


作为本期专辑的序论,本文分为上下两个部分。上篇立足于全球视野,首先概述了城市经济体系中持续快速增长的非正规经济和就业的规模与重要性 ;在此基础上分析了国家与地区差异及其在城市空间上的反映,尤其是中国的特殊性 ;进而从理论基础与政策实践等方面分析了传统城市规划应对城市非正规经济发展的局限与问题。下篇则具体介绍了本专辑收录的 6 篇文章,其中 3 篇来自外国学者的文章是关于国际上对非正规性研究的最新进展,分别对以美国为代表的发达国家的非正规城市发展与管治、发展中国家的非正规住房改善,以及城市规划之于非正规经济与空间管治的误区与局限等问题进行了深入探讨 ;另外 3 篇来自中国学者的文章则分别从非正规就业群体的职住空间失配、非正规住房与社区营造、公共空间的非正规使用与管治等三个方面探讨了中国大城市非正规经济下的空间规划所面临的问题与挑战。


As a preface to this special issue, this paper has two parts. The first part summarizes the scale and importance of the sustained and rapid growth of the informal economy and employment in the urban economic system in worldwide; analyzes the differences between countries and regions and their reflection on urban space, especially in China; and then discusses the limitations and problems of traditional urban planning in dealing with the development of urban informal economy from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The second part introduces the six articles included in this issue. Three of them are from foreign scholars and about the latest international research findings on urban informality. They explore in depth the development and governance of informal cities in developed countries represented by the United States, the informal housing improvement in developing countries and the mistakes and limitations of urban planning in dealing with the informal economy and space. The other three papers are from Chinese scholars and discuss respectively the job- living spatial mismatch for informal workers, the informal housing and community building and the informal use and governance of urban public space, presenting the problems and challenges in the domain of urban spatial planning in face of the pervasive informal economy


徐苗 , 重庆大学建筑城规学院副教授,城乡规划系副系主任,麻省理工学院高级城市研究中心(LCAU)访问学者
陈宇琳,清华大学建筑学院城市规划系副教授,麻省理工学院 SPURS 学者。
玛莎 · 陈,哈佛大学设计研究生院(GSD)客座教授,哈佛大学肯尼迪学院公共政策系讲师,国际政研究与行动机构 WIEGO 高级顾问


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