2019年第增刊1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2019.530
阶段、思潮与行动: 国际视野下现代中国区域规划理论与实践的演进
Development Stages, Planning Thoughts, and Practical Actions: Evolution of Modern Chinese Regional Planning Theories and Practices in an International Context

罗震东 崔功豪 乔艺波

Luo Zhendong, Cui Gonghao, Qiao Yibo


Keywords:Regional Planning, Development Stage, Planning Thought, Practical Action, China


中国区域规划是世界区域规划发展史的重要组成部分,研究中国区域规划理论与实践的演进需要在更广阔的国际视野中发掘、比较。区域规划作为国家进行区域治理的重要工具,必然具有鲜明的国家特色和时代特征。区域规划理论与实践的发展,必然是与具体国家、地区的特定发展阶段相匹配的结果。新中国成立70年来,中国区域规划在接受国际规划理论与实践影响的过程中,存在着发展阶段与规划思潮、行动选择之间的持续调整过程。伴随着中国现代化、城镇化进程的不断发展,阶段认知不断清晰,利益博弈日益激烈,行动选择更加多元,中国区域规划的演进趋势和规律也逐渐清晰。尝试识别新中国成立以来中国城镇化进程在全球尤其是西方发达国家发展阶段中的对应区段,为分析70 年来中国区域规划思潮和行动选择的适当性确定参照体系。进而针对中国不同阶段的区域规划理论与实践,剖析不同规划思潮在中国的响应程度,构建发展阶段与规划思潮、行动选择之间的对应关系。结合对中国城镇化进程的趋势判断,提出中国区域规划理论与实践创新的可能方向。


Regional planning in China constitutes an integral part of the global history of regional planning. The evolution of Chinese regional planning theories and practices should be understood, interpreted, and compared in a broader, international context. As an important tool for regional governance, the approach to regional planning will inevitably bear characteristics that are distinctive to a specific country and time; whereas the dynamics in the evolution of regional planning theories and practices also comes from adapting to specific development stages in certain countries and regions. Over the last seventy years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, while being exposed to the influence of global theories and practices, China has seen its regional planning in constant adjustments to seek better alignment between the development stage, planning thought, and practical actions. Along with the continuous advancing of China's modernization and urbanization, the understanding of development stage gets clearer, the competition among different interest groups becomes increasingly tough, and the practical actions get more diversified. With that, China's grasp of trends and patterns in regional planning has been gradually improved. This paper aims to figure out the correlations between urbanization in China and in the world, especially in Western developed countries, to relate different stages to one another. Therefore, Chinese planning thought and practical actions over the past seven decades can be reviewed with a frame of reference, with which China's response to  international trends in various stages can be evaluated. As conclusions, this paper establishes the correlations between development stages, planning thoughts, and practical actions. Furthermore, based on the judgment on China’s urbanization trends, this paper identifies the directions for innovation on China's regional planning.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51878329, 51478216)





Jiang Lin, M.Sc., M.A., CATTI Level-I accredited translator. He works as a freelance translator and interpreter. Email: jianglinpku@163.com

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