2020年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.052
To Regulate the Urban Form of Shrinking City: A Coupling Framework of Transect Models and Smart Shrinkage

周恺 戴燕归 涂婳

Zhou Kai, Dai Yangui, Tu Hua


Keywords:Transect Model; Smart Shrinkage; Smart Growth; Shrinking City; Urban Form




The transformation of landscape/townscape from the rural area to an urban area is a continuous and phased process, for which a transect model is used in the smart growth strategy to depict as well as to regulate the changing urban form, ensuring a smooth transitionbetween different ecological zones. Inspired by this, we try to apply the “transect model” to “smart shrinkage”, using the abilities of the former to “allocate spatial elements” and to “smooth transition between ecology zones”, in order to fulfill the needs of the latter (i.e. “to optimize the spatial pattern” and “to rightsizing the city”). Firstly, this paper introduces the concepts and meanings of the transect model and the smart shrinkage and builds a coupling framework based on their similar aims, objects, and operations. Secondly, this paper analyzes three case studies in the USA, where the framework was partially implemented in the specific planning practices of these shrinking cities. Using the coupling framework and case studies, this research aims to develop a method/theory for the control of urban form in both growing and shrinking cities. By doing so, it prepares the urban planners and dicision-makers with effective tools to manage growth and shrinkage using the same model for both urban and rural areas, ensuring a sustainable urban form in either positive (regional growth) or reversed (regional shrinkage) evolution of the ecological transects in urbanization.






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