2020年第3期   DOI:10.19830./j.upi.2018.157
城市商业中心与交通中心的叠合与分异:基于复杂网络 分析的东京轨道交通网络与城市形态耦合研究
Configuration of Urban Commercial Centers and Transport Centers: Evidence from Tokyo Transit Network and Urban Morphology Based on the Complex Network Analysis


Cao Zhejing


Keywords:Commercial Center; Transport Center; Complex Network Analysis; Transit Network and Stations; Urban Morphology


轨道交通站域的规划建设需考虑交通网络的结构,使站域的商业开发与轨道交通网络的节点特性形成耦合协同。本文以东京23 区为例,通过衡量轨道交通的复杂网络特性,探索了商业中心和交通中心的叠合分异关系、原因机制、建设原则,以期对我国作出启示。研究通过测量平均路径长度、聚类系数证明东京轨道交通网络具有小世界网络的高通达性和聚集性特点;同时识别了轨道交通网络中站点的度中心、介数中心、接近中心,并与东京一主三副的商业中心进行了比较。研究发现:商业主中心东京站及邻近区域与轨道交通网络的接近中心叠合,主要由于商业设施对可达性依赖较高;商业副中心池袋、涩谷、新宿与度、介数中心叠合,主要由于大量换乘客流带来商业潜力;地区级商业中心多位于快车站点,与城市其他功能区衔接便捷。据此本文剖析了东京商业中心在结合轨道交通网络节点特性方面的开发原则:商业主中心通过高密度轨道交通站点对高容积率的商业开发进行疏解与分流;商业副中心以综合体整合多线路换乘,以簇状商业开发形成区域联动;地区级商业中心以站域复合化开发实现功能的集聚与辐射。东京轨道交通网络与城市形态的耦合模式对我国高密度大都市具有重要的启示意义,我国需进一步建立多层次的轨道交通网络结构和运输服务体系,加强对外交通枢纽和商业设施的资源整合,合理强化主要换乘站点商业开发并营造良好的步行换乘环境,优化近郊轨道交通线路运营和土地开发,完善公私合营的开发机制。


The land use of transit stations needs to balance with the function of nodes in transit networks. In this study we explored the relationship between Tokyo urban commercial centers and transportation centers through the complex network analysis, and analyzed its mechanism, principals, implications. We confirmed a “small world” phenomenon in Tokyo transit network by testing its average path length and clustering coefficient. We calculated the degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality of Tokyo transit network, and compared them with the location of commercial centers. The results revealed that the major commercial center in Tokyo overlapped with the closeness center in the transit network due to commercial facilities’ high dependence on transportation accessibility. Three sub-commercial centers overlapped with the degree centers and the betweenness centers in the transit network, because a large passenger volume at these transferring stations brought about high commercial value. Local commercial centers tended to locate at where was connected by express lines to other urban areas. Also, in examining the development principals of how Tokyo commercial centers’ morphology and land use were coordinated with stations’ node function, we found that Tokyo major commercial center was covered by the dense transit network which alleviated the pressure of highdensity land development; three sub-commercial centers were filled with complex buildings that contained transit transfer platforms and were connected to the development around nearby stations; local commercial centers had a composite form of concentrated development and radial connections to neighboring communities. The case study of Tokyo is informative for China’s integrated development of transit network and urban morphology in big cities. This includes constructing multiple layers of urban transit networks, combining major transport hubs with commercial centers, creating continuous pedestrian network at major transferring stations and integrating it with commercial space, optimizing the land development around suburban transit lines, and facilitating the public private participations.




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