2021年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.126
Spatial Redistribution of Fundamental Welfare: Hypothesis of the Practical Spatial Justice and Its Planning Implications


Chen Zhao


Keywords:Spatial Justice; Social Justice; Fundamental Welfare; Planning Practices; Practical Improvement




With the exacerbate differences in urbanization, space justice is increasingly becoming an important concept in urban planning but there is the divergence about this conception between planning research and planning practical field. This paper argues that the primary cause of this divergence lies in the collective subconsciousness of existing planning research while ignoring the complexity of spatial justice in the practical context. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a practical spatial justice theory for planning practice. On the basis of reviewing the philosophical evolution of justice and spatial justice, this paper defines three components of the conception of practical spatial justice, which are the scenario, the hierarchy and the system. It also identifies fundamental welfare as the core conception of practical spatial justice. Further, this paper proposes that the role of planning should be the spatial redistribution of fundamental welfare, including the recognition, re-distribution of welfare, and the fix of unjust space production mechanism.




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