2021年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.177
Practicing Digitalization in Rural Areas Within a Framework of “Integrated Development”: A Case Study of OstWestfalenLippe, Germany

李依浓 李洋

Li Yinong, Li Yang


Keywords:Integrated Development; Urban-Rural Equivalence; Cooperation Networks; Bottom-up; Rural Digital Development; Smart Countryside




Under the background of the increasing economic and spatial connections between urban and rural areas, the essential meaning of the concept “urban-rural equivalence” is changing. The provision of public service no longer completely depends on the top-down central place mode, but is increasingly following a bottomup “integrated development” mode that crosses different spatial boundaries and administrative levels. Such a relatively flexible and open development mode, through establishing common perspectives, working plans and cooperation networks between different entities, helps to avoid competitions and releases the potential of regional cooperation, solving problems that individual village, county or city may not be able to handle. Through the case study of digital countryside in OstWestfalenLippe region, this paper investigates the planning process and implementation measures of German rural digital project within the framework of “integrated development”, and puts forward three suggestions in consideration of the development trend of China’s urbanrural digital development: enhancing the sustainability, establishing coherent plans and administrative processes of urban-rural digital development, and promoting the endogenous power of “bottom-up” digital development in rural areas.





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