2022年第1期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.243
Urban Regeneration Policy: The Inside-out Puzzle of Luxembourg

马库斯·黑塞 著 刘畅 译

Written by Markus Hesse, Translated by Liu Chang

关键词:城市更新;关联型城市;土地利用规划;服务业和金融业; 卢森堡

Keywords:Urban Regeneration; Relational Cities; Land-use Planning; Service and Financial Industries; Luxembourg




This paper reports on the experience of urban regeneration policies in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Among European countries, the small state represents a rather unique case, undergoing strong economic growth over the last decades. Against the background of such specificities as concerns demographics, socio-economics and also a peculiar politics of planning in Luxembourg, the paper gives an overview of the related practices and situates them in that specific context. The conclusions are twofold: first, infill is only a small part of the broader  picture, as long as overall demand is rising in order to accommodate the foreseen economic growth; hence future development policy will situate regeneration as a niche activity only. Second, it appears that the open economy of a small state provides a fuzzy and somehow contradictory meaning of what is situated ‘inside’ and ‘outside’; also, regeneration comes with certain externalities and will thus have to be cautiously implemented. Hence for some good reason, proper sites for future development would also have to be identified outside the borders on the territory of Luxembourg’s neighbouring countries, or even beyond.





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