2022年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.198
Leading the Resurgence of Shrinking Towns: Evidence from Italian Planning Practices

谢舒逸 琳达·格瑞索里

Xie Shuyi, Linda Grisoli

关键词:人口收缩 ;复苏乡镇 ;中小型乡镇 ;规划策略 ;城市更新 ;意大利

Keywords:Population Shrinkage; Resurgent Towns; Medium-Small Towns; Planning Strategies; Urban Regeneration; Italy


本文首先介绍了意大利广义的城市收缩现象,分析其动因、后果和应对策略,指出意大利的应对策略多为“反应型”。然后结合具体案例从产业培育、存量空间与基础设施优化、组织模式更新等方面论述意大利引导人口收缩乡镇复苏的经验。最后,面向国土空间规划和新型城镇化发展的需求,结合我国人口收缩乡镇的现状以及规划应对中存在的问题,总结意大利经验对我国的启示,包括:加强对收缩乡镇的识别,构建信息化平台 ;以县域、镇域为统筹单位,引导产业向特色化、精细化、多元化发展 ;落实以人本,提升人居环境质量 ;推动多元主体共治,促进自我组织能力建设。


This paper firstly presents an overview of causes, consequences, and coping strategies of urban shrinkage in Italy, indicating that most of Italian strategies are reaction strategies. Afterward, taking specific cases, the paper illustrates the Italian experiences on leading the resurgence of shrinking towns, and summarizes the experiences mainly focusing on industry cultivation, optimized reuse of abandoned spaces and infrastructure, regeneration of organization model, etc. To meet the needs of Spatial Planning and New Urbanization, the paper discusses Chinese shrinking towns’current situation and associated problems presented in taking planning actions and then summarizes the insights of Italian experiences into four aspects: strengthening the recognition of shrinking towns and establishing the informatization platform; taking the county and town as a whole to lead the characteristic, elaborate and diversified development of industries; improving the quality of human settlement in the people-oriented perspective; establishing a collaborative alliance among various stakeholders to promote self-organization ability.


谢舒逸,博士,华侨大学建筑学院副教授、硕士生导师,厦门市自然资源 和规划局直属分局局长助理(挂职),美国加州大学伯克利分校访问学者。 shuyi.xie@polimi.it 

 琳达·格瑞索里,意大利罗马大学景观与环境系,博士研究生。 lindagrisoli7@gmail.com


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