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——国际简讯 ——国内简讯 ——期刊导航 ——新书推介 ——专题研究——案例集萃
2017年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.566
Habitat III, Nature of the Middle Development Trap and Chinese Planning Reform in Post-middle-development Period: The Second Essay on Holism


Wang Hongyang


Keywords:Holism; Middle Development Trap; Habitat III;Planning Reform; Chinese New Urbanization; Ontology;Epistemology; Methodology




 The essay starts with Habitat III, the newest milestone of global planning. It examines its two core documents, New Urban Agenda and International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning, analyzing there is an underlying issue of “planning becomes everything”. It then demonstrates that beyond the “everything” issue there is the orthodox philosophy viewing the world comprised by a priori exact parts and linear logic. In contrast to the orthodox philosophy, guided by a prototype how human recognition of the world is formed, the essay then systematically elucidates a new philosophy of Holism, with relation, conformity, changeableness, synchronic logic and whole among its core ingredients. Based on this theory, the problematic nature of “everything”, the nature of Middle Development Trap and the relationship between them become clear. The rationale to break the MDT is also illuminated. These implications are finally applied to a discussion on the the nature of Chinese Middle Development and the Chinese New Urbanization and planning reform to help break the Chinese Middle Development. The establishment of a new Theory of Holism is the main theoretical purpose of the essay, with itself being a holistic application of the theory.




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