2022年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.324
Coordination in Spatial Planning: International Experience and Enlightenment from the Perspective of Governance

张立 李雯骐 汪劲柏

Zhang Li, Li Wenqi, Wang Jinbai


Keywords:Spatial Planning; International Practice; Transmission; Coordination; Spatial Governance; Planning System




The establishment of spatial planning system and related reforms have entered the critical stage in China. How to effectively carry out the coordination of planning is a key issue and needs to be strengthened in related empirical researches. Based on the introduction of latest trends and concepts in the practices of international spatial planning, this paper combines the institutional background and the technical characteristics in China’s spatial planning firstly, and sorts out main experience of planning coordination from the international practices from five aspects of policies, indicators, regulating lines, land use and facilities. Facing the actual reform needs of China’s spatial planning system, it is proposed to (1) take into account of the spatial governance demands of different levels while maintaining the central intervention, (2) to combine rigidity and flexibility so as to optimize the governance structure of coordination, (3) to strengthen the construction of the law and policy system, (4) to use tools such as policy guidance and social governance in order to achieve the modernization of spatial governance.






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