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——国际简讯 ——国内简讯 ——期刊导航 ——新书推介 ——专题研究——案例集萃
2019年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2019.508
Development of Everyday Urbanism and Its Challenges to Contemporary Chinese Urban Design

陈煊 玛格丽特·克劳福德

Chen Xuan, Margaret Crawford


Keywords:Everyday Urbanism; Urban Design; Humanities; Everyday Life; Public Space




Urban design in reality is gradual and is the form presented in the process of urban economic and social activities. The technical rational framework of contemporary Chinese urban design originated from the early Western urban morphology theory. Recently, Chinese urban design has achieved impressive results in the theoretical and methodological management. However, different from technical rationality, the meaning expression and creation of humanistic connotation in Western urban design has not been able to receive substantial attention. They have neglected some fundamental dimensions of urbanism such as China's rich civic and social life and its regional cultural characteristics. The design pursues the rational pursuit of pure abstract concepts, and the everyday life is highly specific and diverse, which has become a basic contradiction in Chinese urban design. In response to this, the words “everyday” and “urbanism” that one common and the other difficult to understand, create a new starting point for urban design through urban life. This study combines literature to analyze the contextual map of daily urbanism generated and developed in the United States, and combines field research into the current state of urban design in China, trying to link Western theory with the daily life practices of Chinese cities. The conclusion points out that China contains a large amount of everyday practice knowledge, which is worthy of appreciation and analysis. Everyday urbanism is a complement to current Chinese urban design, providing inspiration for existing urban design, while also presenting new challenges.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51808205),2019 年湖南省普高等学校教学改革研究(湘教通[2019]436),湖南大学本科教育教学改革和教材改革专项(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)(531111000002)



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