Methods and Empirical Research on the Distribution of Public Bicycle Systems in France: Case Study on Paris and Lyon

Zhu Wei, He Jingyang, Wang De

Keywords: Public Bicycle; Distribution; Method; Empirical Research; France


Developing public bicycle systems is becoming a world-wide trend in recent years. However, there still lacks of mature methods for planning the systems which need to be formed based on existing planning experiences and operation of the systems. France has developed urban public bicycle systems for over 40 years and accumulated abundant experiences. The paper briefly reviews the development history of the public bicycle systems in France; summarizes the methods for the system distribution based on the cases of Paris and Lyon; carries out an empirical study on Lyon’s public bicycle system to derive the quantitative relationships between station number, stake number and factors such as population, land use, and transportation by applying regression models. Finally, it reveals that transportation facilities play the major role in the distributionof public bicycle system.

Funds: 国家自然科学青年基金支撑课题“城市居民使用公共自行车的决策研究”(51108323)

Brief Info of Author(s):

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